“ I found myself leaping up to catch the wave like some kind of crazy sea creature breaching the water in all its glory”
When the Lord started to speak to me about crossing into the Promised land, it felt more like He was speaking about something He’s about to do, by reminding me of what He’s already done.
It felt very prophetic and it definitely set the scene for what He spoke next…I believe this is a water parting, promise realized season we as the people of God are stepping into. He wants us to know, no matter how flooded the ground looks, He is still the God that parts waters!
It was the Father that sent the Son as Redeemer and Deliverer, Savior and King. The promise of Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God and Everlasting Father is a reality that many will come to know in 2022.
It happened one August afternoon as I was leaving a coffee shop with a friend. I saw a group of men looking pretty disheveled hanging out on the grass by the parking lot. One of them shouted out to me “Hey! You got a dollar you can spare?” I looked up from opening my car door and saw a man in his 40’s dirty, worn and weathered waving at me. Without really even thinking I quickly answered “ I dont have any change for you, I have something better, I have Jesus.”
Everything in the air seemed change to what seemed like slow motion so I could take it all in. It felt like a swirl of angelic activity circled the waves and I could almost hear Heaven’s gates swing open for the release of what had been held back. It felt like there was a timing attached to it, and the release was for right now.